Thursday, September 6, 2012

comparing the frequency of computer mediated communication

For this assignment my partner was Jessica Chinnici. When we compared our notes we found that we were actually on our cellphones more then we realized. Personally, I found that i text/ IM my friends almost consistently through the day. I also realized i would text my friends even if they were in the same house as me. But i do not think that that is becuase i prefer the computer mediated communication to face-to-face communication... i am fairly confident i can just chalk that up to laziness and im sure my housemates would say the same.

I also found that the person i was having a conversation with greatly affected my frequency of communication as far as timed responses go. For example, when my boyfriend texted me i was quick to answer and we had a very fast-paced texting conversation with almost no time lag in between texts. Where as when my father texted me i wasnt necessarily in a rush to respond right away.

It is my belief that the frequent use of technology to communicate is mostly due to convenience factor, not the desire for one to shy away from face-to-face communication. Technology allows us to get answers to our questions in seconds, aids us in our ever-growing need to multitask, and communicate with ease. FaceTime by Apple (for example) allows one to have the best of both worlds; one can communicate with technology AND have the face-to-face interaction at the same time. Such technology would not have been invented or used to such an extent if people did not desire face-to-face communication.

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